Yu yu hakusho (11)
Yamato takeru (4)
Yama no susume (23)
Yu-gi-oh sevens (2)
Yosuga no sora (11)
Yurikuma arashi (1)
Yuruyuri (51)
Youre under arrest (23)
Youjo senki (11)
Yuru camp | laid-back camp (9)
Yatterman (8)
Yu-no (2)
Yadamon (7)
Yondemasuyo azazel-san (6)
Yamitsuki (4)
Yume nikki (1)
Zatch bell | konjiki no gash (1)
Zone of the enders (3)
Zoids new century (3)
Zettai muteki raijin-oh (6)
Zombiepowder. (1)
Zegapain (5)
Zettai karen children | absolutely lovely children (3)
Zoids genesis (20)
Zero no tsukaima (109)
Zombie land saga (29)
Zeroin (3)
Zoids (7)
Zero no tsukaima | the familiar of zero (7)
Zettai karen children (26)
Zaregoto (2)
Zeta gundam (12)
Zettai junpaku mahou shoujo (25)
Zone4 (1)
Zatch bell (12)